Saturday, September 8, 2007

Pasta making!

Last night, we made whole wheat pasta at our friends' place. They are doing a week of local eating. At first, I couldn't find any recipes for making pasta that didn't include oil (not local) or eggs (one friend is vegan), especially recipes for whole wheat pasta that didn't include semolina flour. We were going to do two different versions, one with egg, and one with oil, but it turned out we didn't need either! Corn meal (finer than polenta) was key in keeping the dough from getting too sticky. We dusted the dough with corn meal before putting it through the pasta machine the final time. (full disclosure: the Moore Family Farm corn is only milled locally, it's grown in Ohio. We're allowing it, because this is Illinois!--certainly we should be able to find someone to grind some of this corn)

Fettucini worked out better than spaghetti. The delicious sauce included goat butter (oil for Tom), onions, leeks, garlic, tomatoes, purple basil, honey, cayenne peppers, and maybe some salt.

We also had "Black & Blue" berry wine from Rend Lake in southern Illinois (147 miles, oops!) and watermelon agua fresca with honey. I had been worried about eating enough on this 100 mile diet, but I got so full on the pasta and agua fresca.

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